Room Add Ons

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Room Add Ons

5 Ways To Add More Space

A conventional house addition is a multi-room structure that is built onto the side of a house and which is permanently open to the main house.  A house addition essentially blends into and becomes the house itself, and can have many types of areas: great room, dining room, family room, bathroom, guest bedroom, or master bedroom.  

1) House additions typically return a high value in relation to their building cost.  The process of adding a conventional addition to your house can be long.  Often times it helps to consider that you are basically building a mini-house, complete with all of the trappings of a house: architect, contractor, permits, wiring, HVAC, plumbing, change orders, and more.  Room additions often require a new roofline, as most room add-ons increase the size of your home by a minimum of 250 s.f.

2) A bump-out is a single room structure built onto the side of a house meant for a single function, such as a bedroom or bathroom.  Sometimes it only expands the size of a single room on the existing house.  It might be another 50 square feet added to your kitchen so that you can squeeze in a kitchen island.  Or you might cantilever a few more feet out into thin air to turn a cramped dining area into a comfortable place to eat and socialize.  

3) A sunroom is an addition to the side of the house that is usually a supplemental living area. Sunrooms typically can be closed off from the main part of the house with doors.  Sunrooms are not an alternative to a conventional addition.  Smaller than a full-size addition, sunrooms are most often made of pre-fabricated materials such as aluminum and thermal-resistant glass and assembled on-site.  Sometimes, sunrooms are stick-built from lumber, concrete, and other materials used to build the house itself, resulting in a solidly built living area that visually matches the existing house.

A true sunroom is never used as a permanent sleeping area.  Kitchens and bathrooms are rarely never installed in sunrooms. Because sunrooms are not, by code, designed to be year-round permanent living structures, certain features are possible that are not possible when building a conventional addition. For example, sunrooms can be built with oversized glass and other fenestration that it is not possible with a conventional addition. Also, sunrooms are not required to have heating or air conditioning; though if you live in Tulsa, Oklahoma you will definitely want to have a mini-split at the very least!

4) A garage conversion is an attached garage that has been turned into a living space by adding flooring, replacing the garage door with a solid wall, and adding window(s).  Usually, garage conversions become living rooms or bedrooms, and thus the need for additional insulation and a form of heating/air conditioning is also required.

Garages are tempting to convert into living spaces.  The basic structure consisting of walls, foundation, concrete flooring, and a roof is already there.  In addition, a number of the elements needed for living spaces such as electricity and a couple of windows are already in place or partially so.  Some garages already have drywall on the studs, leaving one less task to do.  But garage conversions can come with some downsides.  For one, it can be difficult to aesthetically and functionally blend the conversion with the rest of the house.  Major systems such as plumbing and HVAC are typically not in place, so they will need to be installed.  Garage conversions have low resale value, and houses with no garages are harder to sell.

5) An attic conversion/remodel/build out is the 5th way to add more space, and is discussed extensively in the Service area titled “Attic Build Outs.”

Contact Us today for Your Free Room Add-on Remodel Quote.

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